This past week was full of family and friend time at our house and I really enjoyed having a busy front door! Even if I do get worn out from it all sometimes. (Even the simplest of company can bring on extra exhaustion at day's end, just the nature of the beast when I'm constantly going and going...)
Our bi-polar weather in the Dallas area resulted in a nearly 80-degree sunshine-filled afternoon this past Tuesday and the babies really wanted out of the play room, I could just tell. So I threw up their corral fence (one of the best things we've bought to date!) and escorted them all into the front yard for some practice with giant chalk and bottles of bubbles. It went really great and they loved hanging in the outdoors. The grass was soft, their faces smelled like the sweet baby sunscreen I'd slathered on them all and they went to town with their chalk happily drawing over any sketches I made on the walkway.
They also became enamored with trying to blow the bubbles themselves, and Harrison was convinced if he dunked his fingers in the liquid enough times and waved his hand around in the hair that bubbles would emerge. The afternoon ended with the arrival of grandmommy (my mother-in-law) who happily joined us and read the babies some books she had brought and shared mini bags of pretzels.
The next morning, my Aunt Deanie came to visit with my grandma and my sweet cousin, Andie, who the quads absolutely adore. And since it was Wednesday, my parents came over as well to help out as they normally do every Wednesday. The day went perfectly and everyone enjoyed play time in the play room while my Aunt Deanie and I snuck off for Starbucks for her, a Sonic coke for me and to pick up pizza for lunch. We were totally those people lounging at Starbucks mid-morning looking like we didn't have a care in the world and got to talk about everything going on in our lives for 20 peaceful, wonderful minutes! I love and admire my Aunt Deanie tremendously so that was a very treasured and rare event with her. :)
The day before, I'd made a run by a local cupcake shop to pick up some sweet treats in honor of my Aunt Deanie (every time she used to visit us in Houston we'd get cupcakes from our favorite bakery), and we cut all the cupcakes in half then devoured them in a delicious taste test! There was strawberry shortcake, carrot cake, red velvet, Kentucky bourbon and coconut cream pie, a crowd favorite.
After lunch, the babies peacefully went down for naps while the rest of us went to the living room and simply hung out. My grandma and I watched an episode of The Voice from my DVR arsenal and turned out, she's an avid fan of the show! I had no idea. My mom and Aunt insisted on folding the bins of clean laundry I had piling up—and I won't be including the photo of my aunt sporting a pair of my undewear on her head!!—and Andie played on her phone and laughed at all our jokes. I was so glad they got to visit and they we had some time to ourselves without feeling rushed or overly busy.
Where was grandad all this time? He'd retreated to the play room and had fallen asleep on the quad's giant teddy bear. When he woke up later, he said he was just waiting on his babies to get up and come back to play! They have the sweetest grandad. :)
And the day after that, on Thursday, I hosted a play date with our triplet friends whose mommy, Mary, is a longtime friend of my own. It's so crazy that we both have multiples now and we just sat and looked at all our kids in disbelief! Life has a funny way of turning out...
All seven kids played so well! Not a single one threw a tantrum, had stranger danger or went off by themselves. It was oddly quiet, actually, as they were all so occupied with each other and the toys. Mary and I had blueberry green tea and sat in the recliners and had an actual conversation, then switched to a glass of wine later while I made dinner. Plating seven meals was definitely a bit more than our norm, but I relied on my trusty apple cider sausage skillet dinner to get the job done and everyone approved!
The entire play date went off without a hitch and we agreed—as my quad mom, Amber, and I both figured out through trial and error—that afternoon/evening play dates work out so much better. Plus one of the moms doesn't have dinner clean up and by the time the visiting parent gets home, all the babies have been dressed for bed and ready to go to sleep! Both sets of our kids hit the hay without a single protest and slept hard all night.
Friday morning came around pretty quick and while I had the help of my nanny for a couple hours in the morning, I tried to knock out some editing work for a client. Of course Kailey Poo decided she needed to help me out a little bit.
We were all glad to have daddy home for the weekend by Friday evening and he and I got some relaxing time in together with our usual wine and TV show ritual, knocking out a couple more episodes of Homeland. We're on to season two! But of course we couldn't end the evening without getting a video of the kiddos running around laughing before bedtime. They really do capture our hearts every day.
The quads were really sweet Saturday morning, letting us sleep in until 8:30 then the husband insisted he had breakfast under control and I got to sleep until 10:15am!!! It was awesome. We all read books and hung out at the house while the temps dropped outside (another massive weather fluctuation, yay! not.) and enjoyed a mac and cheese lunch and afternoon naps. Yes, I slept for 45 more minutes and I still can't believe I'm even able to take naps these days. It's a totally new thing for me.
Despite terrible thunder storms and a torrential downpour Saturday evening, the husband encouraged me to get ready for a bachelorette dinner and night on the town with some of my girls. He knew I needed to get out of the house, even if the terrible rain and my comfy PJs were trying to convince me otherwise! I got dolled up and we fed the babies dinner then loaded them all in the car so the husband could drop me off (I took a car service home so I didn't have to worry about drinking and driving).
We had noticed that Harrison seems to be a victim of car sickness if he's eaten not long before getting into his car seat and if we turn on the DVD player in the suburban. The girls kept pointing at the DVD and "asking" for me to turn on Bubble Guppies while we were driving to my destination, but I kept putting it off so I wouldn't make the little man sick. After about 15 minutes, he seemed to be sound asleep so I gave in and flipped on the cartoons. Of course, his eyes popped open as he exclaims, "Bubble Guppies!"
I figured it should be fine and hoped for the best. We literally pulled up to the restaurant and came to a complete stop when Harrison threw up all his pizza from dinner and Kailey did the same right after him. Mike and I looked back at them in horror as they both drenched their seats and themselves in puke! We pulled around the corner and retrieved paper towels, baby wipes and plastic bags from the in-car stash and the husband cleaned them up as best he could. I found a water bottle in the console for the kids then the husband drove me back over to the restaurant and, with a sincere smile on his face folks, told me to enjoy my night! They don't come much better than that, do they?!
He didn't complain once as he drove the kids home—Harrison threw up again when they pulled into the driveway!—got all four out, gave two of them a bath, hosed down two car seats, gave everyone a late night snack and got them all to bed. Even texted me when everything was done to let me know all was well. I mean, he is amazing and I love him. This is why we make such a good team!
My night went great and was lots of fun, even though I regretted wearing heels. But I was all smiles the next morning when the husband brought two sweet little girls to our bed and tucked them down in the sheets to hang out with their momma for a few minutes before breakfast. :)
It's been a quiet day at our house with cold, cloudy weather outside. We indulged in Chicken Express for lunch and watched more DVR'd shows during the kid's naptime. It's been a great week and a fun weekend. we go again!

GREAT post!!! I always love seeing you and the babies!! That was such a wonderful day!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, so sorry about the car sick incident:( I love the photo of you holding Grandmas hand. It will be a treasure to look back on. I'm happy she is able to come for a visit with your family. We had a great time:) you DO have a fantastic husband!!! Have a good week.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great weekend overall! You & your crew are amazing, and your hubby is certainly a keeper :)
ReplyDeleteAnother fantastic week for you all, love all the pics, especially you and your Grandma:)
ReplyDeleteYour hubby is one of a kind, for sure a keeper, and a fantastic Daddy.
I hear you on the crazy weather it is the same here, have been under the weather with either allergies already or a nasty cold.Loved your Easter post:)
Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like you have been busy but at least it's been FUN busy!!! Family time is so precious. Glad you got to enjoy some of it. I love the playdate pictures. That is a lot of kiddos to be in one space. You, Supermom, sound as if you had it all under control. I truly do admire you. It's wonderful that you and your Hubby make time for one another. I think so many couples make the mistake of NOT doing that. He sounds like a keeper for sure. Hope you and the Quads have a great week ahead!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! This is my first time on your blog and I just have to applaud you - quadruplets ?! How do you do it?! I have one and I am like a crazy person! Making time for you and your hubby is definitely super important and its great that you guys are doing that :)