This year, the Christmas season seemed to come on more slowly. The bins didn't make their way into the house until well into the month of December, and even then it took me awhile to get all the decorations up. I didn't use every single thing either. There simply wasn't enough time or energy for me to get to it all. We didn't host any big parties this year, though we did end up with a small gathering of friends planned for the day after Christmas. And I'm not even doing a big meal at our house since we're attending festivities at both my mom's house and the in-law's home. But that worked out fine for me this time, since I'm having a minor foot surgery on Christmas Eve morning. Happy holidays to me, right!? Really, though, the husband is home for a short break and the parents are around to help with the kids so extra hands are readily available to help while I recover and hobble around. Besides, I'm thoroughly convinced there is never a convenient time for surgeries of any type.
But that's all aside from the point of today's post: our Holiday Home Tour 2015! If you're interested to see how our home, decor and Christmas flair has evolved over the past couple years then check out the 2014 home tour here and the 2013 tour here.
My house is not necessarily a light, bright and white kinda place. So it tends to photograph a little orangey. And I'm just not the best Photoshop whiz to get rid of that completely so orange it is. Then a lot of these pictures were taken on different days—some even at night. Which results in different lighting, maybe a few readjusted objects, who knows. While all bloggers who are brave enough to photograph and share the inside of their homes want picture perfect results, this is real life and I regularly settle for "close enough." Because a playroom of four three-year-olds that's threatening to turn into the next Fight Club just calls for immediate action.
Mom Duty, Party of One Exhausted Lady.
Now, it's time for some holiday pics! (And a tooooon of them. Happy scrolling and carpal tunnel.)
C'mon in!
I bought the six matching stockings a couple years ago at Hobby Lobby for half-price.
The initials are iron-on monogram letters, also from the Lobby.
Sometimes Bandit climbs onto that ledge for a little peace and quiet away from the ruckus.
And arm's reach.
The festively-adorned deer is one the husband got on a hunting trip years ago.
The kiddos lovingly refer to him as "the reindeer."
There's not a lot of decor in my kitchen this year. But a cluster of pretty faux flowers
and decor works well above my sink, and the snowflake bucket was a $1 find
from Target to hold our plethora of TV remotes.
Since my kitchen has a wine and grapes theme to it (totally not purposeful, I swear!),
I decided to stick a mini pre-lit tree on the bar top with some purple ribbon, mini gold sparkle
ornaments and wine corks. Because on the particular evening that I assembled this tree I was
running on low patience, I had no desire to make cute cork ornaments and instead skewered
them all with mini hooks and aggressively hung them on the branches.
While drinking two goblets of wine.
My favorite scent, hands down, from Bath & Body Works this season.
It's got hints of mandarins, woodsy vanilla and....creamy coconut. My fav!
I'll be picking it up in the lotion and body wash this week.
Roses are my favorite flower, and I am loving them when combined with fresh winter greens.
I also love Cupcake Red Velvet wine and keep a bottle on hand at all times.
It's cheap therapy.
My mother-in-law gifted the kids the cute Santa-shaped Christmas countdown. Every day, they
excitedly ask me, "What are we on now, mommy?"
Then race to turn the candy cane to the next number.
The Frozen-themed wreath was a surprise (and very thoughtful!) gift from my sister—
who also made it herself! It goes well with the ornament garland she helped me assemble
last year. It's plastic ornaments clustered tightly on thick ribbon.
The kids decorated the tree for their playroom all by themselves.
I didn't rearrange a single ornament. Promise.
Their individual art boards are great sources of pride for each kiddo to display
their creations, which are quite festive for the holidays!
The burlap table runner was a $3 find at Target and I decided to layer
various materials to get a fresh, festive feel.
The votive holds a re-poured Champagne pomegranate scented candle.
I made an entire batch of them last week and now have several around my house.
The dogs were inside for a break from the wind (and their nap, let's be honest) while I was
snapping pictures one afternoon so I had to capture them and show them off!
Jersey is the black dog and Shiner is the white one.
He's our trained hunting dog—and also a vegetarian.
Every year since the babies were born, I get our Christmas photo printed on a metal
ornament (from Snapfish) to add to the tree. Indestructible and memorable.
And that, my friends, concludes Texas Tales' Holiday Home Tour for 2015!! I hope you enjoyed it and I thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and check things out. Updates have been slim on here lately, I know, as things have just been so busy for us and there's hardly a spare second to even brush my teeth before I fall into bed at night. I have no intentions of relinquishing my blog though, and hope to continue on with more posts as 2016 arrives. Speaking of posts, there will be at least one more before the year's end—tomorrow, December 24! Stop back by to see our Christmas card for this year and a quick update on our holiday plans and festivities.