
{Daily Pics} My Shopping Excursion!

Today I drove to a store, went inside, walk around and bought things. It was crazy. If you've been following the past few weeks, then you know it's been approximately a month since I'd been anywhere by myself, and that wasn't a doctor's office or hospital. At this point, I'm exactly three weeks out from my surgery and doing very well. I can drive short distances on my own and do pretty good with walking. I can't carry heavy things, though, and I do get pretty tired by the afternoon. My back starts hurting toward the end of the day since I've still got a little bit of hunch left in my shoulders. Otherwise, I'm standing mostly upright, which is so much easier than it was to walk around at a 45 degree angle!

Anyway, I dodged into TJ Maxx while my mom watched the babies at home and then grabbed us cokes from Sonic on my way back. Dying to know what this fabulous mom of four bought on her first shopping trip in weeks? Well, wonder no more...

In celebration of my new health and future work outs, I finally got a new pair of running shoes! I wanted a similar looking pair of Nikes but found these New Balance sneaks for $37 on clearance in just my size. :)

I have a wall full of black and white frames. This double 5X7 frame for $7.50? Yes, please!

I like pretty gift bags and this one was just $1.

Clothes for the little people! All $7.

New canisters ($3.99 and $5.99) to hold rice cereal and oatmeal for the babies.

Have you found any fab finds lately?

Next up: the quadruplets turn eight months + my five minute beauty treats!


  1. Shopping is always good therapy:)
    You found some great finds, can never have enough picture frames and those outfits for the babies so cute:)
    Glad you were able to get out and enjoy yourself.

  2. You made out like a bandit, Amber! Good for you getting out, I hope you feel better with each day. I have New Balance shoes and I love them! You're going to clock a lot of mileage with those! :)


  3. Oh how I love TJ Maxx and Home Goods! I informed George that I will be doing a little shopping trip tomorrow. Home Goods will be one of my stops =) I'm looking forward to seeing your 5 minute beauty treats! Goodness knows that's about all the time I have!

  4. nice shoes. I like the purple shoelaces. very cool.

  5. Cool shoes and New Balance at that. Nice


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