
A Night Cap

It's been a long, busy weekend. I have many wonderful photos to share, including the babies first dip in a pool! But for now we've abandoned the kitchen, dirty dishes and all, and retreated to the living room. The adult living room with no baby toys in it, comfy blue jean quilts and reclining couch seats. The quads are asleep in their beds upstairs and the husband just turned on the DVD. Time to pop some popcorn and enjoy a little nightcap of our own...

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Oh my they get cuter and cuter everytime you post a pic:)
    Enjoy the DVD and popcorn...yum

  2. You deserve it!! The babies look sweet! They ALWAYS look sweet!

  3. Sometimes we all need to just sit back and relax. We will have an adult family room in our new home and I am so excited! Only books and games are going to be allowed as far as kid stuff.

  4. Sounds like a great evening! Such cuties!

  5. Babies Babies everywhere. The expressions.. Hope you enjoyed your down time.


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