
Motherhood Mania

So my 100 pound white lab just stepped in blackberries left under the quad table after tonight's dinner then traipsed through the play room and the kitchen leaving little blackberry paw prints behind. It's about how this week has gone. I'm tiiiireeeeed.

You might recall Trystan's terrifying seizure episode last week. I'm still on my toes and watching all the kids like a hawk. I worry that any weird facial expression means they don't feel well or if they get too still I run over and check them because I'm afraid they've gone unconscious. It's exhausting!

On Monday morning, the husband took Trystan to get an EEG and I got the other three ready for Mother's Day Out, dropped them off at school then met up with my little redhead. She'd done great for the test so we stopped for a quick lunch then went to our appointment with a pediatric neurologist to review the results. Thankfully, her results were normal and she has no risk of epilepsy! It was determined Trystan had an atypical febrile seizure last Monday, and now she does run a slightly increased risk of having another one when she develops a fever, but there's no guarantee that'll happen. I'd be perfectly fine to leave this as a one-time incident, it was scary and awful to watch.

The rest of this week has been crazy busy. My mother-in-law was so sweet to come over Tuesday and literally helped me all day, since Kailey came down with croup and I had to get her into the pediatrician then took her with me to run errands and grab some lunch. The kids were quite a bit of work most of the day and I was relieved to have reached bedtime.

Then my wonderful mom and step-dad took the kids all day Wednesday. I dropped off the quads just before 11am and ran errands, got a pedicure and took myself to lunch. Treasured "me time!" It's seriously one of the most valuable things anyone can give this worn out quad momma. ;)

The husband came home from work a little early and I made us pasta for dinner. We actually sat down and ate together, unhurried and unbothered, before 7pm! We picked the kids up about 8pm from their meemaw and grandad's then brought them home for bed and called it a night early ourselves.

In between all the busyness of the week, I helped the girls make their first necklaces and they really enjoyed picking out all their beads!

I also managed to put together a few new items for my Etsy shop—slowly but surely I'll get it filled up with pretty little things!

We've worked on puzzles, laughed our way through dinners (new recipes coming soon!) and even watched Cinderella for the first time. The kids really enjoyed it and Trystan was completely enamored. I am enjoy sharing all the Disney classics with them as they get older.

Kailey has been a headstrong, ornery and independent little thing lately and both the husband and I are working to come up with the best way to respond to her when she throw belligerent tantrums or refuses to participate in group activities. We want to celebrate her personality and intensity, but we also want to be fair to the others and support them all the same and not always be singling out one over the others. It's a hard balance to find sometimes! Kailey is my total mini-me and I can relate to a lot of what she does, but because she is my mini-me she can also get under my skin the quickest. Ahhhh, motherhood...

The weekend can't get here soon enough!!
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  1. You and Mike have such great parents to help out like they do, so happy for you.
    Sounds like Kaily has hit the terrible two stage, suh a hard time for her and you all.
    Love any of the Disney Classics, my favorites Dumbo and Lady and the Tramp.
    Have a great(hopefully quiet) weekend;)
    Thanks for sharing:)

  2. I'm tired just reading. Those necklaces are adorable. Glad you got some me time.
    Each day just remember to breath. Hugs


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