
Wall Paint

Painting a wall in your home isn't anything new.

But handpainting a pattern on top of your wall color is totally rad!

I just loved Centsational Girl's take on a trellis-inspired design that she implemented onto an accent wall in her bedroom.

She makes it look easy, and the outcome is design genius.




Here's some other photos to whet your trellis appetite:

The husband and I have been scouring Houston's real estate web site for rent houses that:

a) are nice enough that I actually want to live in it
b) are in the right part of town
c) come with a big enough backyard for our two monster dogs
d) meet all those requirements and still lands within our price range

It's driving me crazy that I won't have a house to do whatever I want to it! I never read very many design-oriented blogs until last year, after I'd already moved to Scotland. So I feel like there's a million and one ideas bouncing around in my head that will just have to wait a little bit longer.

I actually did start a list of "Rent House To-Do's" that involves non-permenant decorative touches I can enjoy, but that won't revoke our rental agreement. Layla's rental house fix-up blog post at the Lettered Cottage gave me some great pointers. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I can't wait to try removeable wallpaper!

Until then, it's hands off! ;)


  1. Cool ideas! Wonder how she gets the design to remain uniform? I am painting wallpaper these days and then sponge painting a darker shade on top pulling it straight down since the paper has 'threads' in it. Looking pretty good! Reminds me of the cool paint job you did in the office in your Katy house. It is green....

  2. Are y'all not moving back into your house in Katy?

  3. I love that look but can't ever keep it straight!


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