
Day of Hearts

I'm not normally a fan of Valentine's Day. The pink, the hearts, the Cupids with their bows and arrows. Meh. Buuut I happen to have four little people who look pretty adorable, so I decided to spare a bit of sentiment and snap a V-Day photo. Wishing you a day, and a year, full of love.


  1. How adorable! How quickly they have grown. Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day.

  2. So Cute. Happy Valentines Day X4. I love the look on Logan's face. Sherri

  3. I miss those babies!!!

  4. They're too adorable. Won't be long now ... and you won't be able to get them to sit that still.

  5. A few days late, but had to comment on how Adorable!!
    It does not have to be Valentines to fall in Love with those four:)


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