
Daily Pics: In The Woodlands

You know those friends in your life that simply get who you are? You never really have to explain yourself, because there comes a simple understanding of each other. You share similar views and ideas and an overall outlook on life that complements the other's way of thinking. Hanging out together is effortless and need be never over thought. Being with them is like a breath of fresh air and it's amazing that, of all the people in your life that annoy the hell out of you, these are friends you never really get sick of!

I am blessed to have a few friends like that in my life, and one of them doesn't live too awful far away. Lisa and I are both fortunate to enjoy flexible working schedules right now, and we try to get together once a week for lunch and a chance to just hang out. We alternate houses and truly enjoy these days in each other's company, whether it's watching movies, reading magazines, checking out a new place, cooking or working on some craft project that's been on our to-do list far too long. Rarely do we ever have a "plan," our activities just sort of evolve based on our moods. ;)

Yesterday, I drove out to The Woodlands to visit her. After lunch and flipping through some new magazines, we headed out to The Woodlands Waterway. It's a charming collection of restaurants, bars, boutiques and other shops centered around a picturesque river walk. We decided to stop in at Hubble & Hudson, an adorable grocery chain that features a fresh market, butcher, seafood, charcuterie and cheese, artisan breads and other items. Afterward we stopped at the Goose's Acre Bistro & Irish Pub for a couple brewskies and a chat while looking out over the water. And just for fun, here are some of the pictures from our foodie adventure—all thanks to Lisa's phone camera!

From top to bottom:
1.) Walking into Hubble & Hudson, after stopping at the gelato counter for some coconut dessert!
2.) Sea beans, anyone? Never seen them before and, at $17.99 a pound, probably never will again.
3.) Mini patty pan and sunburst squashes. I've been eyeing several recipes lately that call for those, and plan to cook with them soon.
4.) Beautiful heirloom tomatoes were a highlight of the produce section. 
5.) Lisa (right) and I goofing around the artichokes. Also on my never-done-it-gonna-try-to-make-it cooking list? Artichoke leaves with lemon butter sauce.
6.) A delicious display of cheeses and meats, including a very large hunk of prosciutto.
7.) Ending the day with a Shiner for Lisa and a Bud Light for me (of course!) at the Goose's Acre pub. Evenings like these are some of the best...

Happy Friday, y'all!

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