
Mandatory Spa Time, Foundation Work & Sickies

It's been a long, exhausting week...much akin to the weekend we just had, unfortunately. The kids are still sick. And I'm just about to the end of my rope. I'll spare you the excessive whiney details and instead share with you the brief outing I got on my own Friday morning. After I got all the kids up, checked everyone's temps and doled out meds, handed off the reigns to our former nanny (who's back with us on Friday mornings!) and kenneled the dogs so the contractors could access our back yard to fill the gaping holes beneath a few areas of our foundation. Neglect of the backyard prior to us purchasing our home resulted in some serious erosion of all the dirt back there, so every time it rains you can literally see the paths of mud flowing away from our house, down the hill toward the failing retaining wall at the end of the backyard before it drops off to a greenbelt and creek area. Now, however, everything's packed in and good to go so our next big step will be to level our backyard and redo the retaining wall. Nothing major.

But back to my outing! So after handling just a few things that morning, I headed off to the Crescent Hotel for an indulgent pedicure. It was their new "waterless" pedi that I enjoyed in a zero gravity chair that reclines to your liking, complete with a heated aromatherapy neck wrap and my favorite part....peace and quiet! One of the ladies noticed I kept rubbing my temples due to a headache I've endured for nearly 72 hours and brought me some delicious chamomile tea, which I sipped while my newly polished toes dried. The pedicure treatment was perfect—scrubs, spritzes, hot towel wraps and one fantastic leg massage! It was all in the name of research for a magazine beauty feature I'm writing. Sometimes work just has to be done, right??

I lingered for a few moments in the locker room—where they offer more tea, water and fruit—and wished I could've stayed for a dip in the whirlpool and lunch at the cafe, but had to head home to my sick babies. The contractors finished up with the foundation not long after and I got the kids down for naps then sat down on the couch right as the lawn guys showed up. I headed back outside to write their check and kennel the dogs again then sat down for a few minutes before one of the girls woke up. And so the afternoon went.

My Kailey girl actually took the photo above on my phone. She loves to snatch it off the counter and knows how to hit the camera button to activate it. Then she'll find everyone and tell us all to "wook at the camwa" and say "cheeeeeese!" It's really pretty cute and endearing and then I'll go through the 743,239 pictures later and save any good ones. But like the image shows, I've been cuddling sick kiddos all week and doling out breathing treatments and medicine like it's my J-O-B. Which it sorta is right now, aside from the deadline I'm on for this article I'm writing and the Etsy orders I desperately need to package and ship. 

This morning I woke up way too early and headed off to a synchronized swim competition for my local team, the Pirouettes of Texas, who I swam with for 11 years in my younger (athletic) days. My teammate, who's also one of my longest and best friends, now coaches the club and I signed up to become a judge to help support the sport. It's perfect for me at this stage as it's a commitment I can keep, even with quads at home, and I love being able to stay involved.

Unfortunately, by the time I got home the kids were taking yet another turn for the worse. All my hopes of potential improvement for our health were dashed to pieces. Trystan was running a fever again and Harrison began vomiting by the evening, which has continued well into the night. 

And yet sadder still, before I could finish off this blog post, we've added another one to our bedroom floor. Logan woke up covered in puke, so we're still up with the sickies at nearly 2am and are passing some of the "in between" time with an episode of The Tonight Show. I poured a glass of wine earlier tonight that I sipped on until just after 11pm when I decided that this night clearly wasn't over and opted to pour another half glass. The husband mocked my late-night drinking, only to end up pouring himself a glass just after midnight when yet another one bit the dust. He and I have both been sick ourselves for the second time in just over two weeks—sinus congestion and coughs be damned—and we've literally had enough. So whatever it takes to make it through tonight is fine in my book. We've now done five baths since dinner and the wee hours are still young.

Thank goodness for mandatory spa visits...
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  1. Oh Amber, at least you got that spa time?!? Praying y'all get well SOON and stay healthy!

  2. Oh Amber sending you many hugs and praying that the kids get well really soon. Wish I lived closer to help you out, you must be exhaused. Glad your nanny is able to help out again.The shoes you are wearing at the synchornized swim meet are really cute, are they TOMS?
    Take care, Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! The shoes are actually from target last year :)

  3. You've got to get a package of Goodnites bedwetting mats. They're a must for kids with stomach bugs! They cover about 1/3 of a twin bed and so we put them down at the head of the bed. If/when our sick one happens to toss their cookies while sleeping, you can peel up the mat, wad it up, throw it away, and stick down another. I also put a gallon ice cream bucket lined with a trash can liner right up by their heads and encourage them to use it if they feel like they're going to blow. Again, I can tie off the bag and replace it with minimal clean-up. I don't have quads, but I do have six children between the ages of two and twelve and those are my sanity savers for the times when we're visited by those rotten bugs!

    1. Brilliant tips! Our quads had this stomach bug before the Bells, and it was horrible. Wish I had your tips then. Will remember next time we face the pukes.

  4. Glad to had a bit of a break!! So sorry the 'babies' are still not well! I just loved meeting you mom...I wish I was closer to her!!... Take care.... we pray for you children!

  5. Oh no - I hope the kids will get well asap and that your ' only at home' time will be done soon. BTW your pedi visit looked like a wonderful treatment and spent time! Way to enjoy life!

  6. Girlfriend, so glad you got that temporary reprieve at the spa. Waterless pedi? Hmmm....more sanitary I'd imagine. I hope tomorrow is refreshing.


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