

Today I am a happily tired mother of four. I will smile when I hear my babies cry and holler from their play room and I'll smile even bigger when they laugh and babble. I will not complain about cleaning up food on the floor yet again or having to carry them all to their cribs and making four trips up the stairs. I won't become frustrated because it's hard to get things done, I'll be grateful I have so much to do. Today a fellow quad mom went into early labor and lost her four sweet babies and my heart breaks for her. While I keep her in my thoughts and prayers constantly, I also thank God for my own four miracles over and over...
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  1. That breaks my heart too, so sad! I think anyone that reads that will hug their little ones a little tighter and remember to thank God for them.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that :( I think about this frequently with Everest and all he has been through. I will pray for her.

  3. It is so tragic to hear about the loss of a infant let alone four,your friend will be in my thoughts and ptayers,I will continue to give prayers of thanks for the four beautiful healthy babies that you were blessed with.

  4. So sorry to hear about your quad friend. Thoughts and prayers for her and her family.


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