
Update From Amber......

I am Amber's mom and she asked me to pop over and post the latest update on the Quad Squad.

Harrison is resting well today and is much calmer. He's back to holding mommy's hand, something he wanted no part of the last two days since he felt so bad. His vent settings are very low, which is fantastic, and they hope to take out his chest tube tomorrow then slowly progress from there. I love my strong little boy!

I love how Harrison holds onto Amber's hand. These babies know their mother!!
You will be happy to know that Amber and Mike have not lost their sense of humor even though they are under intense stress and tired to the bone.

Here are Amber's comments from last night:

We are beginning to slowly feel a little more confident about Harrison, though still extremely cautious as they prepare to wean back on some of the things added to his care in the past few days. I am so nervous about him relapsing. His oxygen level on the vent is 21%, equivalent to breathing room air. They've come down on his vent settings, are lowering his morphine, slowly cutting back on the nit...ric oxide, discontinued his antibiotics and are considering removing his chest tube soon. His lungs are still very weak so that is a big hurdle we've yet to clear. Girls are doing wonderful, Kailey has surpassed her sisters in the eating department and is now inhaling 26cc per feeding. That's a lot for a little 2lb11ouncer! She also managed to take a crap yesterday that nearly cleared the room. They had to fan the smell out of her isolette. Needless to say, Mike was appalled at his little girl. Ah, parenthood. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

While Amber is spending most of her time with her precious babies in the NICU, she did want to let everyone know how they are doing.

We all thank you for the continued prayer support! It has made all the difference!


  1. Many continued prayers for your sweet family! We know that God's ways are not our ways, but in the end, they are always perfect. May Jesus bless and keep you all safe in His loving arms!

  2. Awesome news about Harrison, what a tough little guy. So glad the girls continue to improve and provide comic relief. Prayers for your sweet family. Sherri

  3. Glad to hear your update today. I hope and pray that you all are over the hurdle and ready to begin to enjoy the family.You have many pulling for you !


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