
{Quad Squad} The "Q Word"

It's 27.5 weeks, I'm nearly there! I've been pining away to reach 28 weeks so I can just breathe a sigh of relief and I'm so happy to nearly be there. Today has actually been pretty quiet, that's the "q word" that even the nurses use sparingly for fear of jinxing things. It just means there's not much happening and I'm staying pretty steady. The main thing that's changed is the amount of pain I'm in day to day. My pelvis feels like it's going to split in half sometimes and my hips and back have started throbbing. Plus I've started having some pain with my contractions, which have increased some from the usual, though still not regular.

This morning I woke up in a bad mood. (Probably not far fetched when going on over five weeks in the hospital.) I had woken up at 5am due to a fairly strong contraction that didn't feel very pleasant, immediately followed by another one. I called the nurse in to see how frequent they were happening and she said they were sporadic, every one minute to ten minutes. After emptying my bladder and drinking some cold water, they calmed down a bit. At six am, the nurse came in to draw some new blood work (they keep it current every three days) and then I fell back asleep for 30 minutes, followed by a headache and nausea when I woke up again. I angrily ate my breakfast (take that Fruit Loops!) and accepted some IV Phenegran, which got rid of the nausea and knocked me out for a nap. Talk about a productive day when you wake up, eat breakfast then feel that it's time for a nap, lol. But I'd just fallen asleep when they came to get me for my ultrasound to check my cervical length. I drowsily rode in the wheel chair over there and got good results, my cervix was 3.2cm long and still looking very stable. It was 2.6cm last week and fluctuation is normal, so it's reassuring to know it's not rapidly shortening just yet.

Yesterday I had a growth scan for the babies, which I'd been eagerly anticipating for weeks! I only get one every three weeks, which feels like a lifetime but apparently is far enough apart to allow enough change in the babies to document. My two goals for this pregnancy are to get all the babies over two pounds and to reach 28 weeks. The latter is happening in just days so you know I was thrilled when we found out all the babies had packed on a pound or more! It was also a relief because the nutritionist had come by last week and weighed me. I'd only gained six pounds in four weeks, for a total weight gain of 36 pounds. I was a bit worried that perhaps the babies might not be getting enough calories, but turns out they are simply taking all my calories! At 27w3d, here are their weights:

Trystan Lee, 2lbs8oz
Kailey Lee, 2lbs4oz
Harrison Lee, 2lbs11oz
Logan Lee, 2lbs

There's always a big one and a little one in the group and we joke that Logan will be our gymnast. She's constantly in some new contorted position on the ultrasound! Last time her knees were in her nose and her toes on top of her head, and this time she was curled up with her knees in her chest. All the babies also had another bio physical profile done, which takes into account their breathing, movement, development, muscle tone and fluid volume. They all scored an 8 out of 8! And it's great that Harrison, our boy, is still the biggest as boy preemie babies tend to lag a bit behind girl preemies. So he'll need a head start! Each of the kiddos were practicing their swallowing, opening and closing their mouths, and were puffing their diaphragms in a breathing motion. Very good signs! The ultrasound tech even spotted tiny wisps of hair on Logan's head—amazing!

Other than the newfound pain and turmoil my body is now enduring, things are going fairly well. My mom and step-dad are back in town and mom's been spending time with me at the hospital during the day. It makes things so much more enjoyable and she's great at taking care of me! Today she cleaned out the mini fridge in my room while I napped then a friend brought lunch before we watched The Vow together since one of the nurses had loaned it to me. After that it was time to monitor the babies' heart beats, which is always a sight. Four monitors and four straps around my big ol' stomach with the nurses constantly adjusting them trying to keep them on the heart beats. I think as the quads get bigger they are able to move around a little less making them stay in place better. The nurses are grateful! Next was a shot of progesterone in my hip followed by a warm shower, which always feels so good. My stomach had turned into a square and my skin was starting to hurt from the pressure and the warm water always seems to help the quads relax and "group together" back in the middle instead of vying for escape out my sides! If you push down on one of the lumps that sticks out on my stomach, it'll produce three more on the other side. They are really packed in there!

Encouraging notes, cards and flowers have continued to make my day every time they arrive. I even got a thoughtful care package from one of my mom's blog followers up north, including Canadian Living magazine and some Canadian candies. I also received my monthly onesie stickers I ordered from the Etsy shop, Little Baby Bumblebee, to chronicle our quad squad as they grow!

As I approach 28 weeks, I seem to be getting even calmer. Last night I talked with the husband, worried that I might be too relaxed about everything. He reassured me that I've done everything possible to take care of these quads and stay pregnant as long as I can, so there's really nothing left to do except to stay calm and just wait out these last days and weeks. And as my mom says, it's really not up to me—my body will decide when it's ready! Some days I feel completely calm and at peace and other days I feel a little more anxious and nervous. And of course I'm a bit scared when I contemplate all that's going to happen, but I know that these quads can come any day now and God is in control. I feel like the pressure is going to be what triggers things. It's amazing my stomach has held together so well and supported such a crowd for this long. I'm carrying an estimated 17 to 18 pounds thus far and am glad I spend most of my time laying horizontal, there's no way I could walk around and lug that thing with me all day! Speaking of laying down, I thought it'd be funny to mimic an ultrasound picture of Trystan we got back at 23.5 weeks with her arm in the air. Power to the people!

As always, the husband and I both thrive on your great comments and prayers from countless folks who take time out each day to think about us and our quads. I look forward to updating with a 28 week post soon, stay tuned!


  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Amber, I'm a 'secret follower' I found your blog (not sure how) but had to read it from the beginning and did it in about 3days! I come back to check in every couple days or so just to see how you're doing! It's amazing what a womans body will do! I have 2 kids myself but only in singleton pregnancies and I get a pretty big baby bump for my size (4'11) so I can't imagine carrying 4!! Be VERY PROUD of yourself for how far you've made it and how much farther you will go! Those babies have a great mama!! Yavonne from Ohio

  2. I am so happy and excited for you, Amber, that you are just days away from reaching your first goal date and that the babies are so healthy!
    My birthday is in early June, so I am praying you can make till then and maybe beyond!
    Keep up your good spirits and know that many are rooting for you and those precious babies.

  3. You Go Girl!!! 5 weeks in bed, you have only gained 36 pounds,those quads are doing great, you always look fantastic in the pictures;)And I have not read of any throwing things at the nurses doctors your Mom or your hubby.
    Keep up the good work!
    Continued prayers for getting to and past week 28.

  4. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    You are doing amazing! My first pregnancy was twins and included bed rest and mag in the hospital... not anywhere near what you are going through but it definitely gave me an appreciation for how tough it is! I suffered from a lot of depression and guilt and want to encourage you. All best from a stranger friend in OH

  5. yay! I have been following your journey and your blog for a while now and I am so excited for you! 28 weeks will be here before you know it, only a few more days! Prayers being sent your way!

  6. Amber, been following your blog for a little while know. You are an amazing person and doing an awesome job baking them babies. It has been 30 years since my son was born and I could not even imagine what you body is feeling like. You take it like a trooper. We are keeping you and babies in our prayers.

    Sherri Jeakins (Mom to 3 basset hounds)

  7. I've commented once before but just wanted to say again that I pray for you constantly and for the health of your quad squad! I know that being super pregnant is taxing and I can't even imagine doing it with 4 at the same time and going through what you are. Those babies will have no doubt that you LOVE them!

    I pray everytime that God will give you all the strength and courage and peace you need for that day! Just one day at a time....


  8. Hi Amber I have been following your blog from around the time you
    announced that you were expecting quads. Its been great reading about
    your pregnancy with the quads. Praying for you to reach
    your 28 week goal and to go beyond that. Maybe even hold out till
    June- June birthdays rock :)

  9. I'm so happy that you are getting closer to your goal and that the babies are doing so well - what a mum you are!
    I enjoy following your progress through your mum's blog - you are amazing!

  10. HI! I cannot believe how upbeat you are! You are amazing. Stay calm...and carry quads on. Stress will not help. You should remain calm and know you are doing everything in your power to get these baby bigger and stronger.

    Funny how everything is better when moms there, right? Soon that'll be you to four miracles. Keep up the good work. Eat, eat, eat.!

  11. Amber, I am keeping up with you through your Mom....You are amazing and the finish line is within sight, get that last wind and go, go, go!!!!

  12. New follower here - just wanted to let you know that I think you are doing an amazing job! I am praying for you and those sweet babies and can't wait to read more about your journey - all in due time though!

  13. I found your mother's blog some time ago, so I have been following the babies growth. I'm praying for you! It will soon be a very exciting but exhausting time.

  14. Keep going Amber! I'm praying you make it to 30 weeks.

  15. AnonymousMay 18, 2012

    Love reading your blog, finding out how you and the quads are doing ! Prayers for you, your husband and babies !

  16. Amber,
    Had to comment and say how fantastic you are doihg! I delivered our twins at 28w6d and they are happy, healthy 5 year olds today. You can do it!

    ~Alissa in Canada

  17. AnonymousMay 19, 2012

    Happy 28 weeks!!

  18. Cheering you on from Scotland, Amber! I'm amazed at your cheerfulness, when being pregnant with one baby can lead to a few cranky moments. How wonderful that the babies have all reached 2lbs. Sending you all best wishes from where we are this weekend, just a few miles down the road from Glenfiddich distillery, and half a mile from Glen Grant distillery.

  19. Looked just like Trystan or maybe the other way around.
    All those feelings are very normal you know. You're doing great and doing everything you're suppose to.
    You should be proud of yourself. Just a little while longer, then the fun starts. Hugs

  20. i just turned 27 weeks pregnant with quadruplets 2 boys and 2 girls kind of worry on how to do this yet..

    1. Congrats on getting so far! I hope you are doing well. It's definitely a scary and overwhelming experience, but one that I certainly feel we are called to on purpose. Please feel free to email me with questions or for support or to share emotions/feelings, I've certainly been there!


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