*Side note: At this point, the husband would like me to note this is not what he does every weekend. Only on those rare and wonderful slow days that we've chosen to stay at home. He's very driven and motivated and often does more than I do on a weekend! :)
Although I typically need to have visible results for stuff I do, it's very rare I "piddle around." A trait most definitely inherited from my mom. So today, I put off doing the mountain of dishes that's threatening to topple over in my sink just long enough to snap a couple photos of my new "fall between" hallway table.
**Side note #2: And at this point, my husband candidly reminds me I've put it off just long enough to be three days. I'll undoubtedly be scrubbing pots in about 15 minutes.
Anyway, the newly decorated table is a tribute to our travels, since the beach theme that was on there before doesn't really apply to August, yet it's not quite time to pull out the pumpkins and fall garlands. Here's my summer theme, which I loved and was sad to see go (it all went back into my beachy guest room):
And the new "fall between" table:
(Shot at a totally different time of day, hence the odd-colored lighting)
It took a couple tries to get a clean shot, because I mostly ended up with my dog, Shiner, in the middle. Both our labs have been (happily) spending most of the day inside because it's insanely hot in the backyard and Shiner is still taking it easy due to a couple stitches in his leg.
During our days spent in Scotland, we saw a million and one sheep in the surrounding countryside. They were all adorable and it was so strange when we first got there, but we were totally used to it by the time we left! I picked up this ceramic sheep at a charity (thrift) store for a couple (pounds) dollars.
The mini Peroni glass I actually got in Houston at a thrift store for .79 cents, but it made it onto the table next to a photo of us on a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. We drank much Peroni during our trips through Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan! (Click any of those links to read posts and see photos from our time in each city.)
This was one of two beersteins we made it home with. Praha, or Prague, was a fantastic trip and I love being reminded of it everyday when I pass by the table and spot this mug.
This frame was a $5 clearance buy at Hobby Lobby and was perfect for holding a picture of us drinking our giant litre beers in Prague's town square, right across from the astronomical clock!
And this little coaster came home with us from Germany, a reminder of the Hofbrau House we visited for authentic beer and German entertainment and the amazing buildings we saw in Munich.
Last, but most certainly not least, is a photo of us in Paris with the Eiffel Tower just steps away. It was a magical trip and we had such an amazing time there, seeing all the sights, drinking wine and doing as Parisians do.
The calligraphy-covered books were an idea I put together for my home office in order to decorate some book shelves with a more consistent look. The hallway table itself was a $30 score from Craig's List—I love its authentic rustic qualities and rough hewn edges—and the wall hanging was a $60 find at Sam's Club (no longer available). The small propped-up plaque was on clearance at Hobby Lobby months ago, as was the gold candle holder. The iron star is from Kohl's (discontinued I think) and the lamp was also a Craig's List purchase, but similar styles are sold at Home Depot.
So whaddya think? It's different and I love it, especially when it's something you walk by everyday and can be reminded of a different special memory every time.
Got any cool travel stories or posts about recent trips? No matter how near or far, I'd love to hear about 'em! Leave your recounts or links in the comments section!
I like piddle days....love the treasures you shared....