That's what at least one or two of my tots now say when they're eating something they're happy about it. And on occasion, Trystan will pipe up in her adorable little voice with, "Trystan likes it!" and just about squeak a smile off the end of the last word. It's seriously the cutest.
So here's another Tyke Bites post featuring a random day of meals in Quadville:
Breakfast was one of our staples - blueberry muffins, Greek Goddess yogurt (the strawberry honey flavor is their favorite) and bananas (also called nannas). They've gotten pretty good at self-feeding the yogurt with their spoon. Though I won't say it's all neat and tidy.
For lunch, I served cheese, more nannas (was running low on fruits, I think), pretzel thins, cucumber and carrot salad with a soy sesame ginger vinaigrette dressing from Trader Joe's and rotisserie chicken.
Afternoon snack was a new addiction for us all, white cheddar popcorn! They go crazy over the stuff.
And for dinner, we had grapes, blueberries, Annie's organic mac & cheese and meat loaf with pleeeeenty of ketchup for dipping. The quads have all learned when they get a sauce on their plate—be it barbecue, gravy or ketchup—it's best with another food item they've been served! I've got two that will literally eat ketchup with a spoon or fork and ask for seconds before they've ever even touched another food group, shouting "More, PEASE!"
What toddler-friendly items have hit your table with success lately?

Amber- many months ago I commented on one of your blog posts... I believe it have been one of your first Tyke Bites posts. Anyways, I criticized what you feed your children. To say I am sorry and ashamed is an understatement. The words I wrote and the way I judged you has haunted me ever since. I am ashamed! While I cannot expect forgiveness, I do hope you know that I was 100% wrong in what I wrote to you. As long as your children are healthy and safe, it really is none of my business how you raise them. That is entirely up to you because you are their mother- and a good one at that. And I know that not only are they healthy and safe children, but they are happy too. In the photos you post of them, I see the happiness in their eyes. I see how much they adore you and how much you adore them. I am trying to be more consciences of what I do and say, especially for the sake of my daughter. I do not want her to grow up in a world where women criticize and judge each other, instead I want her to be apart of a universal community of women who support, accept, and encourage each other. Because, what I'm seeing, is it is a cycle and I do not want my daughter to hurt someone like I did to you. You are an excellent mother. You feed your children healthy, nutritious meals. You do not need my support, but you certainly have it. Sorry again and keep up the great mothering.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a wonderful comment!