Our summer, so far, has felt as far from a summer as possible. It's really weird actually, because we have no idea what's going on in the "outside world" right now. I went into the hospital during spring time and immediately the husband's days were filled with work, traffic and time spent in my hospital room. There was barely a second for anything else (yet how he managed to do as much as he did still astounds me). Then when I was discharged from the hospital four days after delivery, it was triple digits outside and the Texas summer had arrived. But as soon as I could get my feet under me, our days morphed into time spent at the NICU—often times around the clock, especially in the beginning—tons of hours in the car traveling back and forth, work and preparing the house for their homecoming. We barely realized we'd transitioned into July and as the Fourth approached, I didn't even notice all the fireworks stands that had popped up everywhere until the day before!
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The husband with Kailey and Trystan on Fourth of July... |
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...and me with Harrison and Logan |
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Our little big man, Harrison. |
So as we continue to fund our local Babies R Us (just picked up some formula pitchers, microwave steamers/sterilizers, baby clothes, more diapers and car seat covers), we've each made our final "to do" lists before the first kiddo arrives home. It includes everything from installing the car seats and finishing baby laundry in the nursery to getting my hair cut and calling pediatricians to find the right one for us. And drinking as much wine as I responsibly can. Game on!
But back to our stars of the show, the quads are doing fantastic. They are all growing by an average of one to two ounces a day and are still champion poopers of the NICU. In fact, Harrison had the nurses eyes watering yesterday thanks to his disastrous diaper delivery. The husband was petrified of just such diapers early on, but I'm proud to report that last week he knowingly took on Kailey's stencher of a crap and cleaned her up and changed her in under five minutes to prove to himself that he can do it and it's not impossible. He's gonna be a pro in no time, but we'll both be working on holding our breath during such events and curbing our gag reflexes. Survival of the fittest.
Each of the babies' main focus right now is bottle feeding. They have all progressed at their own pace but are now all receiving the maximum of eight bottles per 24 hours. Harrison doesn't always finish his bottle, so what is left gets fed to him through his feeding tube. Logan, our teeny showoff, is finishing all her bottles and generally in less than 15 minutes (they are given 30 minutes each time to drink as much as they're able before tubing it). Kailey is also finishing the majority of her bottles now, but she still struggles a little bit now and then with the suck, swallow, breath action. And Trystan is doing very well with her bottles to the point that they removed her feeding tube and are allowing her to eat as much as she wants. The test now is to be sure that she still gains weight, which she is, and the last step is "on demand" feeding. This is where she must wake up on her own at her regular feeding times indicating she is hungry, just like babies do when they're at home and it's about that time to get the bottle ready. All the quads tend to do this fairly well but it's the last step that they'll each need to "pass" before going on to the car seat challenge and then being discharged to come home.
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Trystan with no feeding tube! |
Oh, MY!!! I am so excited it's all I can do to keep from jumping in the car and rushing down there right this minute!!! I am bringing plenty of clothes and meds and books (like I will have time to read!) in case I stay longer than I plan!
ReplyDeleteSo so excited for you. Can not believe how fast it's been from reading about your days on mag to now being the week of homecoming! You can truly feel how excited you are in you blog and I can't wait to read about having your babies were they should be....home. Also can't wait to hear what works and doesn't because we expecting quad moms are learning from you! Enjoy your maybe last night as just a couple of two under your roof!!
ReplyDeleteI am sooo happy for you!! Cannot believe those babies are so close to coming home...call me silly and a little jealous but the rest of your summer sounds great, loving and holding those beautiful little ones!!
ReplyDeleteYou and your hubby look so happy, and after what you both have been thru God knows you are ready for any challenge raising Quads bring,hey you have mastered the worst challenge changing stinky stinky diapers without passing out :)
Continued prayers, and Thanks for the continued updates:)
What great news to report!!! I can't believe they're already talking about coming home at 5 weeks - such little fighters! :) I think the fact that their momma was such a fighter her whole pregnancy might have a little something to do with it too ;) Get ready for the craziness of your "new normal"!!!
ReplyDeleteSO SO SO SO exciting!!!
ReplyDeletePraying the transition home is as easy as it can be! :)
What an exciting time in your lives. The babies are doing so well. I'm glad to hear they are near the coming home phase. I can't wait to continue following you on your quads journey. Your story just melts my heart :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy the quads are doing so well! I am currently just about 18 weeks pregnant with Quads, and it has been so helpful reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteSo excited to hear that you may have a baby home soon. Just love seeing those chubby cheeks on Trystan. They are just all so adorable especially when you start to dress them. Have a great week. Sherri
ReplyDeleteI am sooooooo happy everyone is thriving! Omg..,..they are coming home soon. I can't imagine what juggling will be like. Good thing you're doing it first so I can take notes ;).
ReplyDeleteHoly Wow! That is fantastic! I am so proud of those sweet quads (and you and Mike too!)! I can't wait until they are home causing all sorts of mischief! I thought of you on Saturday when a friend reminded me that his daughter had a set of triplets and then two years later a set of twins (5 total). They are now 8 and 6. Amazing. Anyway, I am glad you are doing so well!
ReplyDeleteso happy to hear those sweet babies are doing well. xx
ReplyDeleteIsnt that first photo with nothing blocking their precious face THE ABSOLUTE BEST?!? I couldn't wait for that day with my son! And...what a gorgeous little face to see! Congrats little Trystan!!
ReplyDeleteWith one baby my days were filled but you have four little cutie pies to keep you running. Your days and nights will never be the same. Now they will be filled with 4 times more love, tears of joy and even frustraion. The days will soon be filled with first giggles and steps. And of course diapers and bottles. I wish you and Mike Bell all the happiness and joy these little gifts from God can give you.