...continued from
Part 1!
While the husband changed into his scrubs, I was wheeled in to a flurry of activity in the operating room. I spied the babies' warmers, all labeled A, B, C and D, and a stream of people coming in and setting things up and preparing for their imminent arrival!

The nurses helped me sit up—a struggle in itself when you've got a 20-pound stomach sticking out!—and sort of wiggle my way over from my hospital bed onto the operating table. It was the most narrow thing in the world and I remember wondering why in the hell they made such a small table for pregnant women! I was told to swing my legs off the side and sit, hunched over, as they prepared to give me my spinal block. While they got that ready, one nurse was on my right side putting a heart rate monitor on my finger and another was on my left side hooking up things to my IV. Then I felt hands on my lower spine and them telling me to relax and keep my back hunched and my shoulders down. A nurse stood in front of me and gently put pressure on my shoulders to help keep me in position—it was very hard to stay that way with my big huge stomach that extended from right under my chest all the way down to my hips and pretty much stuck out so far it sat on my thighs. There wasn't a millimeter to spare in my little body!

I freaked out a tiny bit when they inserted the first needle into my back. It was the numbing medication and didn't really hurt so much as it felt wierd. That's a very odd place to receive injections! I tried my best to remain calm as they had told me NOT to move. I took a couple slow deep breaths to calm myself then they began the spinal block meds, which I could mostly just feel the pressure from, but it was still freaky to feel things being injected in between my spine. The very second they were done they frantically told me to lay back as quickly as possible before my lower half went numb and I couldn't move my body. How in the world I swung my legs up and laid back on the table without rolling off onto the floor I have no idea.
Next I feel a very warm sensation flood down from my chest all the way to my feet. I wondered how quickly they'd go completely numb and kept wiggling my toes so I could tell. At this time, modesty went
all the way out the window. The nurses hoisted my hospital gown up and began positioning my body on the table to properly prepare for surgery. I could vaguely feel them move my legs into a frog-legged position and shave the skin smooth where the incision would be. Not only was there nothing I could do about it but I was in the middle of a room full of people bustling around me! Then I realized these folks do this every day and I was about to be opened up in a room full of people, so was I really gonna worry about this? Obviously not, because by this point my thoughts had then drifted to the fact that I suddenly felt extremely nauseas and might throw up. The female anesthesiologist had taken up residence by my head at this point and when I told her I felt like puking, she quickly administered some sort of meds through my IV and in less than five minutes the feeling was gone.
We were getting very close to beginning, but I was still worried that I was going to feel something when they started. How do you
really know you're numb enough? She told me they would do a test and we would know. So at this point I tell her it would be very helpful for her to walk me through the delivery as things happened so I'd know what to expect, like when they would start pushing or pulling or shoving. (This was extremely helpful and kept me pretty calm through the actual delivery.) By the time our mini conversation was done, she asked if I'd felt anything. I replied I hadn't and she said the test worked, they were ready to begin! Apparently someone pinched me
really hard and I didn't even flinch. Sweet.

The husband had made his way into the room by this time and was given a stool to sit on next to my head and shoulders. I had each arm stretched out on an "arm rest" since the table was shaped liked a capital T. They were tangled up in a mess of blood pressure cuffs, IV tubes, heart rate monitors and so on. I started to get really nervous again so my husband put his hand on my shoulder and I asked him to talk to me for a minute so I would stay calm and focus on him rather then on waiting those final minutes that seemed to tick on for hours. My doctor was also in the room (along with four other OB's!) and popped his head over the blue curtain they'd pulled up to be sure I was doing okay and to tell me he'd never seen so many pediatric doctors and nurses in a delivery before! Seeing him helped me breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the husband and I had entrusted him with my care for the past several months and he'd done such a fantastic job. I trusted him completely to handle my delivery! The other doctors from the practice had also scrubbed in, there was one for each baby plus one! (One of the doc's wife was also an OB and she attended, couldn't miss out on quads!)
Just before the action began. That's my giant stomach sticking up underneath the blue paper and that's my wonderful doctor in the black scrubs with the green towel. |
Just a portion of the team ready to take care of the quads! |
Exactly five minutes before the first baby arrived! |
Then an OR nurse announced to the room the time and the patient's name and that we were ready to start! At that moment, everything in the room became quiet to me. Like in the movies, when all the noise is dimmed down and a single sound is elevated, like a heart beat or something. I waited, motionless, as they made the incision through my skin and muscle and into my uterus. It took a few minutes and then suddenly I could sense a burst of activity and a nurse shouted out, "Baby A is a girl!"

As quickly as the first one arrived, she was followed in rapid succession by two more within the same minute. "Baby B is a girl!" "Baby C is a boy!" I strained my ears to hear for their cries, willing them to make noise, to breathe, to fight for their little lives. I knew it wasn't abnormal not to hear anything, since preemie babies don't often have the lung capacity or matured ability to scream and yell like full-term newborns. But I wanted more than anything to know they were alive and well and had come into their new world as strong as I could will them to be.

Then it was time for the last one, I knew it was little Logan because she was crammed up in my right rib cage—the place she'd spent most of her time kicking me in the ribs. One of the female doctors had to reach in for her because her hands were the smallest. I could feel lots of tugging and then it was almost like a suctioning release when they popped her out of there and my lungs were able to retract a little. I could breathe! "Baby D is a girl!"
Baby D, Logan. |
Baby B, Kailey. |
I went to turn my head to tell the husband that we'd done it, but he'd already jumped up and run over to the warmers where the babies were getting cleaned up and checked out! He did not want to miss his opportunity for pictures!
Proud new dad with Baby D, Logan. |
And with Baby C, Harrison. |
Each baby was surrounded by their own team of nurses and a pediatrician, it was completely organized chaos. At this point, I hear a few of the tiniest cries to ever greet my ears and I could feel myself overflow with joy at the sound of my brand new babies. As swiftly as they were arriving, the nurses and doctors were checking their breathing, applying oxygen or CPAPs as needed, taking their foot prints for certificates and bundling them up in plastic bags at first to keep them warm, followed by swaddle blankets.

During that split second it took for me to realize this, I hear the doctors shout urgently for them to administer the pitocin to help my uterus contract. It's a little bit of gory detail, but like most C-sections, they did have to remove some of my organs and they also pulled out my uterus to clean it out and remove blood clots and then sutured the incision they'd made. The medication helped my uterus begin contracting to continue to expel blood clots and attempt to begin its return to a normal state. My doctor popped his head over the curtain again to tell me that the babies looked good, that the first one had a tiny birthmark on her leg and it was very cute and that the last one looked a little small but they were all good. I knew Logan was the tiny one and I knew from the minute we saw her on that first ultrasound that she'd be the one to impress everybody. Little did we know how much!
About the time they were closing me up, I began to shake pretty bad. My arms and chest were shuddering so much and it was completely exhausting. One of the doctors said it was because my body was trying to maintain its temperature after all the blood loss, plus I was totally fatigued and probably experiencing a little bit of shock. They piled warm towels all over my arms and around my head to help, but I still kept shaking anyway. Another doctor, who I also loved, came and held my hand for a few minutes since he noticed the husband was still away taking pictures. He told me I'd done a great job and that the babies looked good!
Before the babies were taken up to the NICU, a literal parade of people came by my head to show me each of my little guys. I was pretty out of it by that point but couldn't believe that all of the babies were now out of my stomach and in the real world!
One proud new daddy! |
After that point I have no recollection of anything else and my memory "picks up" in the recovery room next door. I was back in my bed and they'd drawn a curtain around me and my mom, step-dad and husband were all there. I was insanely thirsty and asked if I could have water, but was told only ice chips. So the husband got some for me and I guess I got a little too enthusiastic about eating them because five minutes later I threw up. Let me tell you, that shit hurts!!! Right after a C-section and trying to contract muscles that didn't even work yet, oh man it was painful. Then my arms and hands started shaking again (my whole body did this for several days when I exerted energy) so my mom and step-dad held my hands and my husband stood next to me stroking my hair and telling me how the babies looked and what a wonderful job I'd done. I couldn't believe it was over, I'd done it!
Stay tuned for the final conclusion, Part 3!
The recovery and my first visit to see my babies in the NICU! :)
I can't wait for part three!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSuch an exciting story! Hearing it from your mom is one thing, but hearing it from you is another. Waiting for part 3.
ReplyDeletewell. that was some post. i am glad that you were able to get pictures of all the excitement. I just wanted to share a memory with you. after my surgery i was wheeled into recovery. there was my...father-in-law(??) anyway, he made the funniest joke about birth. my husbands mother was all cooing all over my daughter, she turns and points her at Joe. she asks you wanna hold her? he dead pans "No, she still has her mommy on her" it hurt so badly to laugh but it was so awesome of a statement i just had too...because i (the mom) was also like eww she still has goo on her. :) hope that makes you laugh
ReplyDeleteOh, wow! It is nice to know what to expect, but I must admit scary too! Thank you for always sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis brings back so many memories! While all that was going on INSIDE the OR, Louis Dean and I were standing OUTSIDE the doors praying and holding hands. A couple of times a nurse would come out and tell us everything was going well. If a nurse we knew happened to come down the hall then SHE would pop in and then come back with an update. It was a HAPPY time, a SCARY time! SO grateful all went well back there and you had such great care by an awesome team of doctors, nurses and staff!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome!! Congrats on all four of your beautiful babies!! =) Can't wait to see all the pictures of them.
ReplyDeleteFantastic reading, even with the yucky spinal block(not a fan of needles in the back)
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to let us know what went on. Who took the all the great pics,your wonderful Dh, if so good job!
Looking forward to part 3:)
Hope you and your wonderful Mom are enjoying some "girl" time before those babies start coming home:)
This just such an awesome story. I am so amazed you can remember all the details. The one thing that shocked me was the part of them in plastic bags. That would be something to hear more about for sure. Thanks for sharing your story with the world. Sherri
ReplyDeleteWhat a fascinating story! I am amazed, overjoyed for you, and a little nervous at the same time... Can't wait for part 3!
ReplyDeleteVery cool!
ReplyDeleteWOW! That is awesome, brought tears to my eyes.....what a miracle! So proud for you'll, can't wait to read more. A friend in East Texas, Pam.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations I hear a little Bell arrived home this weekend. I am curious, what do you do know that you have one at home and 3 in the hospital. Can you still go visit your other babies with the one that is home or do you have to make sure to have a sitter for her and leave her home. It has to be so hard to have the other 3 still in the hospital, but at least you can get broke in a little easy. I hope the fur-babies are adjusting to the new little 2-legger in the house. Your mother sounds beyond excited for sure. Have a great day and enjoy that little one. Sherri
ReplyDeleteWow, I've so enjoyed reading these Birth Day posts! It made me tear up as I recalled many of the same things from our Birth Day. It's so exciting that they are all coming home now! I know you are beyond exhausted already, but I'm still watching for part 3!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!!! When you said you experienced THE SHAKES! I knew exactly what you meant! I had them bad after I gave birth to our daughter. I am so happy everyone is doing well! God Bless!
What an amazing story, and it's not even over yet! I started crying when you mentioned hearing their tiny little cries...how amazing that moment must have been! God is so good, your babies are perfect and beautiful! I can't wait to read the next part!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing story! I cried when you mentioned hearing their tiny cries...how amazing that moment must have been! God is so good, and your babies are so beautiful! Can't wait to hear the rest.
ReplyDeleteSo who was taking all the great pictures of this event?
ReplyDeleteI guess you're enjoying being able to see your toes and bend over.
You know what I had that same feeling/question of whether the numbing was enough. David said they had made a full cut when they asked me if I felt anything. Well obviously I didn't. I worry about that every time I've had surgery now. Love the post.
I finally got to read all of your blogs Amber. Amazing job girl!!! I'm always thinking about you and your babies. It's good to read and know that your entire family are doing well. Keep up the good work. It will get better!