
{Quad Squad} Fall Photo Shoot #2!

So I couldn't resist snapping a few more fall photos of the quads in their adorable outfits, gifted from a long-time blog reader, Bernice. Thank you so much for sending the cute get-ups! The husband and I had fun pulling out pumpkins and fabric and babies, of course, to stage a quick photo shoot. The light was less than desirable, both outside and inside, since it took us all day to get around to it—but I worked with what I had, including my beautiful subjects. Who weren't all so beautiful throughout the photos, since a couple of 'em decided to have meltdowns mid-pic. 'Nuff said. Enjoy!

Wanna see more? 
Catch the first fall photo shoot here.
Happy Saturday!


  1. Those are adorable outfits and even if a couple got a bit fussy... makes it all the more REAL Thanks for sharing.

  2. SO cute!!! I loved seeing every one!! I am going to make prints to take back home. Such beautiful babies and a beautiful Mama!!!!

  3. Even during melt downs they are just adorable.
    Love the little fat roll Logan(?)has.
    Thanks so much for sharing:)

  4. OMG- all cute: kids, outfits, pictures. We really need a better camera and more photo shoots up here!

  5. You have the most beatiful babies ever. Take tons of pictures..they grow so fast.


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