

Quad Momma Style

Most of the time, I am sporting workout pants, a random t-shirt and bare feet or flip flops. Keeping up with the kids all day—of which most is spent at home, anyway—doesn't require a very kept up appearance! But I try not to let it all go, I still get pedicures every two to three weeks, get my hair done every few months and, on days I feel especially ghost-like, apply self-tanner. Oh, and makeup if I'm going somewhere besides the grocery store, ha! 

A quad momma by day...

...and regular little ol' me by night. Sometimes. 

necklace: target / top: from a random shop overseas / jeans: kohls
boots: langford market / bag: jessica simpson at stein mart
the husband and i before dinner for our seven year anniversary last month
my top: target (love the faux leather!) / black jeggings: target / shoes: steve madden
necklace & clutch: sam moon

When I do get dressed up (aka something more than yoga pants and a bun), I've really been favoring black. And all black, too. I've been pinning a couple outfits for winter on my Pinterest Style Board and am loving all the black and brown combos. How do you feel about mixing the two colors? Found some style examples you love? Share a link with me in the comments section or send a pin to me via Pinterest!

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  1. Love that blue striped shirt on you! So pretty!

  2. Oh to be young again, love everything about the outfit "little ol you" are wearing in the second picture;)
    Great pic of you and the husband:)
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Since you haven't mentioned it lately, I am assuming you have fully recovered from the spring surgery and are back in shape. You certainly look great. Love those sandals!

    1. I have recovered now! Got back in the gym two weeks ago, actually. And I was just thinking a few days ago that I needed to post an update on my surgery and my recovery - will do that soon! Thanks for the compliments! :)

  4. Cute post! I rock the "mommy uniform" aka yoga pants and t shirts most days too, but I still enjoy dressing in my "cute" clothes too. I used to think black and brown didn't work, but they are now pairing up in my wardrobe too. I have really similar tan riding boots to yours and I love them with black skinny jeans, a lot like your little 'ol me outfit. And, I also love a flowy top that masks the mummy tummy post quads ;)

  5. I know exactly what you mean. I rarely find myself cleaning up these days but it is nice when I get the chance! Your so cute whether your in Quad Mommy style or Regular You style! I LOVE the top in your first look and those shoes and bag are amazing in your second look :)

    I too love black and brown. I'm heading to your Pinterest board now to see what you have been pinning!!!

  6. All black or black and brown is my favorite combo!

  7. You look cute in whatever you wear little momma


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